How to register / unregister COM dlls

wyUpdate supports installing COM dlls using regsvr32. If you want to install COM dlls, then you must export 2 functions:

Registering a COM dll

To register a COM dll simply add it to wyBuild and check the "Register COM dll" checkbox:

Registering COM dlls in wyBuild

Unregistering COM dlls

When wyBuild compares your latest version of your software to previous versions it takes into account whether "Register COM dll" is set for previous versions of your software.

For instance, let's say you have 2 versions of you software (version 1 and version 2) and you have a COM dll "a.dll", below are a couple if cases showing what wyUpdate does:

Change between versions Result
The "a.dll" exists in version 1 with "Register COM dll" checked, but is removed from version 2. The "a.dll" is unregistered and then removed.
The "a.dll" exists in both version 1 & version 2 with "Register COM dll" checked. One of 2 things can happen:
  • If the file is unchanged between versions: nothing is done.
  • If the file is different between versions: "Version 1" of the file is unregistered, it's patched and replaced with "Version 2" which is then registered.